Tuesday, February 27, 2007

3:34 AM


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There's a party every night in Gili Trawangan so CDJs and mixers are available for anyone who cares to DJ. Usually it's some dude from the mainland but we've taken the liberty to invite a few of our pool of DJs to come along as well so you'll not be starved of good music.

The party rotates from bar to bar everynight and only the host bar is allowed to close at 4am. A nice mixture of locals, guests and freaks attend these events so it's a colourful spectacle after a few purple space shakes. Get on the table if you need a podium, but do it fast or the locals will beat you to it.

After dark on the island is always free and easy. Hanging out on your veranda with some people having a drink and a chat is something that we recommend you do. If you want, bring portable speakers, it will complete the vibe.