Tuesday, February 27, 2007

3:42 AM


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Dear pool people,

Welcome to the first of a series of pool travel invasions.

A travel invasion is getting as many people as possible to go on holiday together. Creating a village atmosphere where everyone knows everyone else, where you can enjoy the company of old friends and meet new ones in a laid back environment.

The Gili Islands is an easy choice for this. It's a sunny place full of nice people and beautiful water where you might get everything you want.

The Islands, located in the north west of Lombok, feature three small, coral fringed islands; Gili Air, Gili Meno & Gili Trawangan - each with superb, white sandy beaches, clear water, coral reefs and the best snorkeling on Lombok. Sunrises are over Lombok's Mount Rinjani volcano and sunsets illuminate Bali's towering Mount Agung volcano. And there are no cars or motorbikes...

This is the perfect spot for getting together.

So please come join us and be a part of our first island invasion of Gili Trawangan.

Thank you and see you in Gili.
